Information for authors

Common Rules for Submission of Manuscript in The Jashore Medical College Journal

01. Manuscript written in English on medical topics will be considered for publication provided these have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

02. The author should obtain written permission from appropriate authority if the manuscript contains any table, data or illustration from previously published in other Journal. The letter of permission should be submitted with manuscript to the editorial board.

03. Authors should keep one copy of their manuscript for reference & three hard copies along with soft copy should be sent to the Executive Editor, The Beacon Medical Journal.

04. The authors should sign a covering letter mentioning that final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors. Relevancy and contribution of coauthors should clearly mentioned by first author. Irrelevant person or without any contribution should not be entitled as coauthors.

05. The materials submitted for publication may be in the form of an original research, review article, special article, a case report, recent advances, new techniques, books review on clinical / medical education, adverse drug reaction or a letter to the editor.

06. An author can write review article only if he / she has written a minimum of two(2) original research articles and four(4) case reports on the same topic.

07. The manuscript may be submitted by the author online following appropriate criteria as mentioned.

08. Each component of the manuscript should begin on a new page in the sequence of-
          a. Title page
          b. Abstract
          c. Text- Introduction, Material & methods, Result and Discussion.
          d. References
          e. Acknowledgement

09. The title page should include the title of the paper, name of the authors, name of the departments in which they worked, email address & phone number.

10. The title should be concise, informative & self explanatory.

11. The Abstract should be structured as-introduction with objectives, materials & methods, result, discussion with conclusion
including key words number of figures, tables, reference & correspondence

12. The text should be presented in the form of
          a. Introduction: This should include the purpose of the article. The rational for the study or observation should be summaries. Only strictly pertinent reference should be cited. The subject should not be extensively reviewed. Data or conclusion from the work being reported should not be presented in introduction.
          b. Method: study design & sampling method should be mentioned. Consent from respondents / patients should be taken in the form before interview / study. All drugs & chemicals used should be identified precisely, including generic name, dose, route of administration. For all quantitative measurement SI unit should be used.
          c. Result: This should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables & illustration. For Statistical Analysis standard procedure to be maintained. It should be done by a recognized statistician or subject expert related to statistics.
          d. Discussion: Authors comment on the result supported with contemporary references including arguments and analysis of identical work done by other workers may be elaborately discussed. A summary is not required. Brief acknowledgement may be made at the end.
          e. Tables: Number and titles of tables to be clearly written.
          f. Source of Illustrations & Figures should be mentioned.
          g. Abbreviations and Symbols: Use only standard abbreviations; avoid abbreviations in the title of the article.

13. References:
          a. Reference should be numbered in order to which they appear in the text as superscript.
          b. Reference should be in Vancouver style.